Women’s Ministry Information

Who Are We?

Through the years Women’s Ministries has grown to become one of the most active departments in our church. Our emphasis, “A Ministry to Every Woman: Touch a Heart, Tell the World,” has been a clarion call for our sisters to meet the needs of those we encounter. Our mission statement, which guides our actions as a department, can be summarized in three words: nurture, empower, and outreach. Through the years multiple resources have been developed for the world field to train and enhance the work of our sisters in these three areas.

Women serve as important leaders in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Their spiritual, emotional, physical and social needs are of huge importance. The Women’s Ministries Department supports programs that help women rise to their full potential as leaders in their homes and communities. The department backs mentorship and academic scholarship programs for young women. It also hosts events around the world opposing domestic abuse and other violence against women.

Website: women.adventist.org

A Brief History

Women’s Ministries is not new.  In 1898 Mrs. Sarepta Myranda Irish Henry, with the encouragement of Ellen G. White, headed a church department for Women’s ministry.

In 1898 she conceived a plan for what she called “woman ministry”. She lectured on the role of the mother in the moral education of society.  Then conference president A.W. Spalding remarked later that from her work instituted within the SDA church came the first semblance of an organized effort to train parents and to give help in their problems.  (SDA Encyclopedia, Vol. 10, p. 691)

In her book “A Woman Ministry”, she stated her vision of the work women could do in their own homes and the church.  The pledge of the learner was, “to study to know the principles which constitute Christ’s character as they are set forth in His Word, and to live them out practically in the common affairs of everyday life.”

Women’s Ministry at Auburn City Church

We, at Auburn City SDA church continue to meet the same challenges today.  It is our goal to encourage, nurture and equip women for our changing society within and without the church.  We invite you to be a part of our journey. See what God can do through us as His daughters in Christ.